In opposite to other structural building elements such windows or roofs, it is more difficult to improve additionally the parameters of thermal insulation of a basement slab.
It is almost impossible to ensure additionally the passive thermal insulation properties of finished basement slab. Therefore, it is necessary to realize a passive slab already during the construction of the building, which will protect the slab permanently against the heat loss and soil moisture intrusion.

ZIP HOME passive slab for passive houses is made from precast units of insulation and it is used wherever the high quality thermal insulation parameters of a basement slab are required.

ZIP HOME passive slab consists of components which are made from expanded polystyrene (EPS - 300). The problem of thermal bridges in critical construction details disappear with using of the passive slab, what is one of the main requirements to solve during a passive house design.

EPS with the thickness of 20 cm leads to improve the heat resistance parameter of a structure by around 5 [W.m-2.K-1]. Optionally, when the EPS stripes are laid along the edge of the basement slab, the width of the excavation will be brighter by 80 cm, but then it is no longer necessary to maintain the specified frost-free depth of the basement slab in the soil.

ZIP HOME passive slab - structure:

U value is under 0,09 W.m-2.K-1

  • Sealing of the slab
  • Steel reinforced concrete slab
  • Foil sealing of the passive slab ZIP HOME
  • ZIP HOME passive slab
  • Sand layer
  • Compressed layer of gravel
  • Geotextile
  • Soil